Tuesday, December 30, 2008

what is love?

love? what is love? does any even know? no. they dont. "define love". NOT POSSIBLE. and you know what, even if what love is was known, it wouldn't change anything. because when you look into someone's teary clouded eyes and you know it's the last time you will get to do so, you dont care what the defintion of love is. you dont think, "hmm...love. that's a noun and a verb. 'a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another' according to dictionary.com..." you think, "my God. i love you so much. this can't be the last time i get to see you again..." when you cup someone's face in your hands and look upon their glowing face, you dont think, "love: a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection..." you just look at them and know that you love them more than anything in this world and beyond. and thats all that matters. when your hand brushes up against their's, who cares what the definition of love is? who cares? all that matters is that time. that place. that person. and you wanna hold on. for ever. "what if love isn't enough?" you think. it is. it always is. because no matter how far you are away or for how long, you can be comforted in knowing that you know they love you. and they know that you love them. and that love will move mountains. that love will make that persons life so amazing. and even if they miss you more than anything and you miss them more than anything the force causing you to miss is love. and if that love fails, it truely doesnt fail. love can never fail because that love you once felt can keep you going for as long as you hold on to what was and will be again even if it isn't with the same person. and yeah, its hard. it's hard to forget love, or maybe its hard to remember love, but dont ever forget the power that love holds. love will change the world if you let it. and no matter how FAR AWAY or close you are to anyone, you will always be loved because i know that there are those of you out there i love more than anything, those that i dont even know in person. that doesn't matter. its like the definition of love: its irrelevant. no matter how well i know you or only how well i think i know you, love doesn't care. it doesnt matter. all that matters is what we have and who we love. smile love, it'll make my day...my year...it'll make my life. <3 ily.

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